
NYSAWA was founded in 1990 by a small group of women educators who saw a need for a professional organization dedicated to advancing women’s leadership in education. While more than 50% of New York’s teachers are women, fewer than 30% of school superintendents and other upper leadership are women. NYSAWA was created to provide networking, mentoring and professional development opportunities to diversify educational leadership by elevating and providing ongoing support for women and others who have historically been underrepresented in these roles.

The NYSAWA organization has grown steadily since its founding, with people of all genders becoming involved and benefiting from NYSAWA’s programs and services. Today, NYSAWA is a thriving organization with hundreds of members from around New York State.

Over the years, NYSAWA has expanded its events and services to meet the changing needs of its members. Today, NYSAWA provides a variety of offerings specifically designed to support women in leadership positions, including networking events, executive coaching and mentoring opportunities. NYSAWA has also been instrumental in advocating for policies and practices that support women’s leadership in education.

NYSAWA’s growth and success can be attributed to the dedication and passion of its members, who have worked tirelessly to advance women’s leadership in education in New York State.